We The People Foundation For
Constitutional Education, Inc.

2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804
Telephone: (518) 656-3578   Fax: (518) 656-9724
www.givemeliberty.org    info@givemeliberty.org

March 19, 2007

Dr. Condoleezza Rice               VIA FACSIMILE  (202) 647-2283

U.S. Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520 

Subject: Conference Speaker

Dear Secretary Rice: 

We are sponsoring a conference at the Alexandria Hilton Thursday - Saturday, March 29-31, 2007. We are devoting Thursday morning to a discussion of the question, "Is the foreign policy of the United States repugnant to the General Welfare Clause of the Constitution?" (Art. I, Section 8, Clause 1). 

We would very much like to have a representative of the U.S. Department of State participate in the discussion. 

Our thinking on the subject of America's Foreign Policy vs. America's Constitution runs as follows. 

1.         America’s founding document declares, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” 

2.         In addition, America’s Constitution declares that the purpose of Government is to secure the blessings of Liberty to all the People and their Posterity. 

3.         “All men” means “all men,” everywhere, even those within the borders of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran Nicaragua, Guatemala, Chile and other “allies” of the United States, past and present. 

4.         It is hypocritical for any American President or Congressman to give financial, political and military support to any Government that denies, rather than guarantees the natural, human Rights of the people who live within its borders, including Due Process and equal protection under the law. 

5.         Not only is it hypocritical to do so, it can be unconstitutional at many levels, as we show in the following paragraphs A-Q. 

A:         No country other than the United States has a Constitution that recognizes that the People living within its borders have the ultimate power: a Constitution that is designed to be a set of principles to govern the government. No other country has a Constitution that is based on the principles that all People are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights and that the role of the Government is to secure those Rights. None of the people in the Middle East or anywhere else enjoy “popular sovereignty,” as Americans are meant to. In every other nation, some person or entity other than the people is considered sovereign. No Government in the Middle East guarantees the People within its jurisdiction the same Rights, Freedoms and Liberties that American are guaranteed by its Constitution. 

B:         People within the borders of countries in the Middle East are discontented and have been agitating for their Natural Rights -- the same Liberties, Rights and Freedoms guaranteed to all Americans by their Constitutions, state and federal. 

C:         However, Governments of those countries are oppressing People within its borders, meeting the People’s repeated petitions for redress with repeated injuries, thus defining the character of the Government as tyrannical. 

D:         For decades, America has intervened in the internal affairs of those countries in the Middle East, by providing financial, military, police and security assistance to its Government. 

E:         For decades, tyrannical Governments in the Middle East have continued to deny the full measure of Liberty to the People within their borders, but have been able to avoid the peace table and stay in power due in large measure to the financial, military, security and police assistance from the United States. 

F:         The United States is, therefore, a pretender, feigning to be what it is not, pretending to be virtuous without really being so. 

G:         Oppressed People in the Middle East, and their neighbors have begun to see the United States as the friend of their Government and have, as a consequence, become hostile towards the United States. 

H:         In response, the Government of the United States has launched a “War on Terrorism.” 

I:          The War on Terrorism is transforming America into a Police State, with an imperial presidency usurping powers of the People and Congress, and Congress is acquiescing: unlawful spying on Americans, National Security Letters, arrests, torture and execution, rendition, military tribunals, indefinite detention, denial of human rights, the denial of the right of habeas corpus, secret prisons, tainted evidence, secret evidence, classified evidence, denial of Right to counsel, and giant data bases providing the government with a profile of every American (financial, health, travel, product purchase, firearm records and much more). 

J:          With the Police State has come a loss of individual Liberties, Rights and Freedoms in America. 

K:        The historical facts are clear. America’s policy of intervention in the internal affairs of foreign countries, including denial of the Right to self-determination and free trade appears to be a root cause of America’s war on terrorism, its growing police state and the loss of individual Liberties at home. 

L:         The United States, through its policy of intervention and corrupt influence, appears to be creating the very “terrorists” that are the target of our “war on terrorism.” 

M:        It is NOT true that all “terrorists hate us for our freedoms,” as our President has repeatedly stated. Rather, it appears “terrorists” do not appear to hate us for who we are, but for what we do. 

N:        This “war on terrorism” has needlessly escalated international hostilities and given rise to military conflicts, financial waste, human destruction and the rise of  “Police States”, not only in America, but in many nations around world, resulting in substantial levels of fear, losses of individual Rights, Liberties and Freedoms – i.e., the erosion of the General Welfare. Defenders of natural/human rights are now finding it much more difficult to criticize their governments. 

O:        It is not in the national interest and general welfare of the United States Congress to lay and collect countless sums of taxes in order to intervene in foreign affairs, deploy armies and otherwise disrupt the world order and the lives of millions of this planet’s inhabitants in order to secure objectives that are morally reprehensible and legally unjustifiable. 

P:         It is not in our national interest for Congress to be laying and collecting taxes that are used to support governments in the Middle East and elsewhere that are oppressing People within or outside of their borders. To do so is to violate Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 (the General Welfare clause) of the Constitution of the United States of America. 

Q:        All this needs to enter the public discourse, given current events in the Middle East and the recent publications by former President Jimmy Carter and Professors Maersheimer and Walt.  

Dr. Rice, we just finished studying "Palestine Peace Not Apartheid." We see this book as more of a statement of facts, to be admitted or denied by all thinking people, especially by those in Israel, Palestine and the United States.  

Carter and Professors Mearsheimer and Walt are certainly correct when they argue that it is wrong and dangerous to stifle speech in America on the subject. Unless the facts in Carter's report can be effectively denied, the United States is clearly supporting (paying for) Israeli oppression and apartheid, engendering widespread hatred and hostility toward the United States. United States tax money is being co-mingled with revenues collected by the Israeli Government and used to deny Palestinians their natural rights. Arabs everywhere appear to be holding this against us. 

We would very much like to have a representative of the State Department participate in the conference, to say whether there is any statement in Jimmy Carter's report that is not accurate.  

We are most interested in exploring whether United States foreign policy is repugnant to the General Welfare Clause of the Constitution of the United States of America. 

Besides this invitation, I have invited representatives from the Israeli Government and the Palestinian National Authority participate in the Conference for the purpose of admitting or denying facts as presented by Jimmy Carter and the two Professors in their reports.  

Please let me know if you are able to have a representative join us on Thursday, March 29th, at 8:30 am. We would like to hear your thinking on the subject as framed.  

Thank you for your attention and consideration of this request. 

Sincerely yours,

Bob Schulz